Geert Wilders: An Open Letter to Cecilia Malmström

“Your interview with [the French newspaper] Le Monde shows that you brand people who are critical of mass immigration and Islam as xenophobic and populists. That is apparently what you think about large parts of the Dutch population. You also have high regard for the “world of academia”. Let me make the point that these highly educated people do not represent anyone other than themselves.” Geert Wilders to Cecilia Malmström

Cecilia Malmström

Cecilia Malmström is the European Commissioner for Home Affairs. She used to be a politician for the Liberal Party in Sweden, but moved on to the EU level when she was elected to the European Parliament in 1999, and was later elevated further to serve on the European Commission.

Part of Ms. Malmström’s job is to oversee immigration policy for the European Union. Like most functionaries in the upper reaches of the EU bureaucracy, she favors the cultural enrichment of Europe through mass Third-World immigration. She and other unelected Eurocrats in Brussels decide how much and what kind of immigration is best for the EU, and then impose their diktats on the member states.

Geert Wilders and his PVV party are running for election in the Netherlands on a platform calling for Dutch withdrawal from the European Union. Today Mr. Wilders wrote an open letter in Swedish to Cecilia Malmström about the interference by the European Commission in what properly should be the Netherlands’ internal affairs.

(Source: Gates of Vienna, with thanks to Ted Ekeroth for the translation.)

Cecilia Malmström,

The ties between the Netherlands and Sweden go way back. For centuries we traded cereal crops with each other, Dutchmen helped establish Göteborg, and older Dutchmen remember, with warm feelings, the “white bread” from Sweden that marked the end of the long, dark “hunger winter” of 1944-1945 in Holland.

Up until now, we haven’t had any reason to look at Sweden in any other way than with appreciation.


Complete text linked here.

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