But it is far from isolated, as even the local TV news reporters discovered. Bus rider Gil Costello told the local Fox affiliate, KCPQ, violence on the bus “happens all the time. They just never report it.”
Victims include pregnant woman, veterans, elderly, homosexuals, Asians.
It has been called one of America’s “whitest big cities” – with 66 percent of residents describing themselves as non-Hispanic white in the 2010 census – but it is not immune to black-mob attacks on a pregnant woman, veterans, the elderly, young people, homosexuals, Asians and others.
Seattle has “fewer problems with racism than other cities,” said the blog So Seattle. “Ethnic tensions … seem less tangible.”
While Seattle may not have the day-in, day-out racial violence of a Chicago, or the peculiar racial lawlessness of small-town Peoria, more and more, people are paying attention to the increasingly visible and brutish mayhem black mobs are visiting on their victims.
In 2010, 17-year-old Jessica Redmon-Beckstead – who was pregnant at the time – was riding the bus with her boyfriend when five black women taunted, attacked, kicked, punched and robbed her.
The assailants were laughing the whole time. One even complained about a broken fingernail.