Is Aurora, its city government and police a “cartel town?” Things are beginning to look that way and not just this incident. The cartels first went after Arizona, where their control is increasing every day. Their next target, having Utah in their pocket 100%, that and Nevada, is Colorado. Denver will be “ground zero” and police in the Denver area, starting with outlying regions will be among the first cartel recruits as real terrorism comes to America.
Rogue Cops Threaten to Murder Child with Shotgun, Aurora, Colorado, June 9, 2012
Watch Officer “Osama bin Idiot” Terrorize a Child.
Yesterday, police in Aurora, Colorado, a department noted for poor discipline, poor standards and lax training, arrested and handcuffed 42 innocent civilians, even holding shotguns at the heads of small children.
All those held were arrested at gunpoint, roughed up, all were cuffed but the smallest of children, as young as two years. Some small children were, barely able to walk and speak, were subjected to detention with a dozen or more weapons on them, all loaded, safeties off, ready to fire.
Though the suspect, carefully identified, video taped, was 45 years old, male, white and quite large, the majority of those arrested were women, small children or minorities.
“Protect and Defend” is what it says on the cars but increasingly, American citizens are arming themselves, not radicals but hard working, tax paying middle class Americans, arming themselves against their own police, as department after department fall under the control of the Mexican drug cartels and forget the oaths they once swore but now now longer remember.
Is Aurora, its city government and police a “cartel town?” Things are beginning to look that way and not just this incident. The cartels first went after Arizona, where their control is increasing every day. Their next target, having Utah in their pocket 100%, that and Nevada, is Colorado. Denver will be “ground zero” and police in the Denver area, starting with outlying regions will be among the first cartel recruits as real terrorism comes to America.