Obama recruits an army of community organizers to ensure his reelection

An attached link takes potential foot-soldiers to a lengthy application form that seeks standard location information, language, computer and online communication skills such as Facebook and Twitter.

President Obama’s election campaign is recruiting an army of determined community organizers to walk the streets of the nation’s cities this summer and autumn in the footsteps of a young Chicago community organizer named Barack Obama.

Recruits would gather other volunteers, register new voters, run phone banks and campaign events and knock on millions of doors to track voters’ preferences and encourage supporters of the president’s reelection.

The massive, cross-country organization is called Obama Fellowships. It involves many thousands of unpaid volunteers, both full- and part-time with separate fellowships for the summer and the fall leading up to the Nov. 6 presidential election.

The fellows’ duties will include recruiting and training thousands of other volunteers to penetrate neighborhoods, run phone banks, organize and monitor campaign events and go door-to-door talking with voters, soliciting support for the Democrat and noting residents’ political sympathies.

In a recent plea sent to millions of existing Obama supporters, Michelle Obama says: “I’m writing because Barack needs you out there this summer.”


Original source.

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