FBI Pursuing Largest Insider Trading Investigation in Modern History (Video)

The government currently is investigating whether roughly 240 individuals, including hedge-fund traders and company insiders, improperly shared insider information, said David Chaves, an FBI Special Agent.

This is what people want to see. The financial markets are important and provide real benefits to the greater populace; unfortunately – Wall Street has become a Casino that no longer seems intent on following the rules of “fair play” and honest business practices. It is all too common for Wall Street bankers or hedge fund managers to manipulate markets and make millions off of insider knowledge; and while this is fairly common – the Republican party hasn’t been able to make that illegal just yet. And after having cut over 1,000 FBI agents from white collar crime investigations during the Bush Administration…the FBI is staffed up again and back on point focusing on one very important part of it’s job: White Collar Crime. Myself – I want to see ASSES in jail cells with orange jackets; put a hedge fund manager or CEO of a bank in jail and all this f***ing around stops tomorrow.

The government currently is investigating whether roughly 240 individuals, including hedge-fund traders and company insiders, improperly shared insider information, said Mr. Chaves.

Roughly half of those, or 120, are “targets,” meaning the government believes they have violated insider-trading laws and is actively building cases against them, according to Mr. Chaves, who oversees one of two white-collar crime squads handling the New York-based insider-trading investigations. The rest are what the FBI calls “subjects,” meaning investigators believe they could have committed crimes and have approached them or could do so to build cases.


Original source.

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