Outrage: Feds Settle with Illegal Aliens in CT – Give Them $350k and Amnesty

The inmates are running the asylum. This Administration has served notice on every illegal alien invader across America: do not be afraid – you are above the law. Eleven illegal aliens who claimed ICE agents “violated their rights” in 2007 raids on their New Haven neighborhood have won a $350,000 settlement from the U.S. government.

The inmates are running the asylum. This Administration has served notice on every illegal alien invader across America: do not be afraid – you are above the law.

Eleven illegal aliens who claimed ICE agents “violated their rights” in 2007 raids on their New Haven neighborhood have won a $350,000 settlement from the U.S. government, which also agreed to halt deportation proceedings against the plaintiffs, their attorneys said Tuesday.

New Haven is American’s most notorious “sanctuary city”- the first in the nation to offer identification cards to illegal immigrants, and critics including the mayor have contended the federal sweep was retaliation for the ID program — a charge denied by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, saying planning for the raid began the year before.

The settlement appears to be the largest ever paid by the United States in a lawsuit over residential immigration raids, and the first to include compensation as well as immigration relief, according to Mark Pedulla, a Yale law student who was involved in representing the plaintiffs.


Original source.

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