According to Fr. Paolo Azevedo, cultural Marxism not only incorporates the premises of Marx, but also Nietzsche and Freud. The goal is nothing less than the destruction of western civilization at its roots. Out of this destruction, we are assured, a utopia will emerge.
[Note: This article was originally posted on January 18th, 2012. The IFNM website was attacked by hackers and many articles are now gone from the archives. As a public service, IFNM is now reposting said articles.]
Fr. Paolo Azevedo
Although Marxism appears to have died with the fall of the Soviet Union, it has only metamorphosed, and is now threatening culture in many nations at every level, according to one of Brazil’s best known priests.
In an exclusive video interview with LifeSiteNews, Fr. Azevedo tells LifeSiteNews that Marxists have moved into the cultural sphere following the discrediting of their economic views, and are now seeking to subvert all of the institutions of society from within.
“They have to have control of everything that produces culture. So first of all, the Church is important. But also universities, and schools, newspapers, the media and such. And of course in that battle they are in, they have everything in their hands right now,” Azevedo told LifeSiteNews. However, he added, we must realize that “God is with us.”
According to Azevedo, cultural Marxism not only incorporates the premises of Marx, but also Nietzsche and Freud. The goal is nothing less than the destruction of western civilization at its roots. Out of this destruction, we are assured, a utopia will emerge.
Among the institutions targeted for termination, said Azevedo, is the family.
“They think that the family is oppression, so once you have a family, that means you have a man, the male is oppressing the woman, and oppressing the kids, because he is imposing on them,” Azevedo said.