Leftist Movement Using Approved Student Group to Infiltrate Wisconsin High Schools

Big Government learned about the organization’s infiltration after a reader found out that YES had been given authorization to post 15 posters throughout the school featuring a rising fist with the words, “Join the Revolution.”

A group of student protestors from YES demonstrate

Following a tip from a reader, Big Government has discovered that a radical immigration group, Voces De La Frontera (Voices of the Frontier/VDLF), has infiltrated the public school system in Racine, Wisconsin by working with an approved student group.

School Officials in the Racine Unified School District tell Big Government that they had no idea that the approved group, Youth Empowerment for Students (YES) had become the youth arm of Voces De La Frontera (Voices of the Frontier/VDLF), a well financed leftist movement with a membership of several thousand, a headquarters based in Milwaukee and two satellite offices in Racine and Kenosha.

According to sources within the school district, several hundred students have joined YES and affiliated themselves with VDLF, an organization that has also recruited some of the teachers and who openly promote the group’s agenda in their classrooms.

Big Government learned about the organization’s infiltration after a reader found out that YES had been given authorization to post 15 posters throughout the school featuring a rising fist with the words, “Join the Revolution.” The poster was a promotional ad for a “youth summit” being held this past Saturday where hundreds of VDLF members were also present.


Original source.

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