Lawmaker fights feds over immigrant criminals whose nations shun them

“At the end of the day, criminal immigrants are going back into the community, and they are going back to commit really heinous crimes.” Sandy Adams

“We have American citizens being harmed,” said U.S. Rep. Sandy Adams, a freshman Republican from Central Florida.

The stories are horrific: a Fort Myers policeman gunned down in 2008 by a Cuban convict freed from U.S. detention because he couldn’t be deported. A New York City woman attacked and eviscerated last year by a Chinese immigrant criminal also free because he couldn’t be sent back to his homeland.

U.S. Rep. Sandy Adams of Orlando, a former Orange County deputy, has seized on these stories as evidence of what she deems a deadly loophole in U.S. immigration policy: a decade-old U.S. Supreme Court ruling that says the U.S. cannot indefinitely detain immigrant criminals whose home country refuses to take them back.

“We have American citizens being harmed,” said Adams, a freshman Republican who has made the issue a front-burner concern, using it to grill Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano and as fodder for a stinging newspaper essay.


Original source.

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