“Free speech, the cornerstone of our constitutional republic, is in serious jeopardy. Under the Shariah, criticism of Islam is blasphemy (punishable by death in Muslim countries). This is the death of free speech in the continuing Islamization of America.”Atlas Shrugs founder Pamela Geller
A Hyatt hotel in Sugar Land, Texas, has abruptly canceled a previously scheduled tea-party event at which author and Atlas Shrugs founder Pamela Geller was scheduled to speak on the dangers of Islam.
Geller said the decision came about because the hotel was “intimidated” into censoring her planned speech by “CAIR thugs,” referring to the controversial Islamic advocacy group Council on American-Islamic Relations.
She accused the Hyatt Place of enforcing Islamic law, or Shariah, under which no criticism of Islam is allowed. In Muslim nations, it can be a death penalty offense, Geller noted.
She said pressure from Islamic interests ultimately pressed the hotel to cancel her address to tea party members who had set up the event.