“Islam is only as strong as we are weak. Let us oppose it with more than McDonald’s, soap operas, stupefying TV programs and brutal video games. Our culture has so much more to offer. Let us get back to depth and endurance, to organic growth. Let us stay alert and critical, so long as even a grain of Socrates lives on in us.” Oskar Freysinger
Oskar Freysinger
Last week, Oskar Freysinger, a member of the Swiss Parliament delivered a rousing speech in Germany, warning the German people and all of Europe about Islam’s slow-motion takeover. Freysinger’s political party, the SVP, seems to parallel the values espoused by America’s Tea Party. The Party has been described thusly:
The SVP adheres to national conservatism, aiming at the preservation of Switzerland’s political sovereignty and a conservative society. Furthermore, the party promotes the principle of individual responsibility and is skeptical toward any expansion of governmental services. This stance is most evident in the rejection of an accession of Switzerland to the European Union, the rejection of military involvement abroad, and the rejection of increases in government spending on social welfare and education.
A portion of Freysinger’s speech can be seen here, the full text of the prepared speech is also attached below (apparently there were some ad libs in the actual delivery):