Category Archives: Ronald Reagan

Complete Classic Movie: The Last Outpost (1951)

Stars: Ronald Reagan, Rhonda Fleming, Bruce Bennett. Despite their fighting on opposite sides during the Civil War, brothers Vance and Jeb Britton have to set their differences aside in order to survive an Indian attack.

Former Reagan Aide: Americans ‘All Hung up on Securing Our Borders’

Former Secretary of State George Shultz told CBS Sacramento on Monday that Republicans could learn from President Ronald Reagan’s example on immigration and border security.

“I think people understand we have to do a lot of work on immigration policy, but they’re all hung up on securing our borders, but I don’t think people understand what that means,” Shultz told the local news affiliate. He participated in the unveiling of a statue of Reagan at the state Capitol.


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Reagan, Thatcher busts defaced at Chapman University

Students at Chapman University in Orange, California awoke Wednesday morning to find statues of various political figures defaced and accused of crimes including “racism,” “homophobia,” and “neo-liberalist ideology.” The defaced busts included Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, and Albert Schweitzer.

The statues, depicting historical figures such as Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Ayn Rand, were also ornamented with posters reading off a list of “charges” for “student review.”

“Ronald Reagan is under student review due to Racism, Classism, and Homophobia,” read the poster underneath the bust of the 40th president.

The vandals also defaced a statue of Margaret Thatcher, filing the same charges against her.

The vandals also accused Christian theologian and medical missionary Albert Schweitzer of “Racism and White Savior Complex.”

Charges of “Global Violence and Imperialism” were brought against free-market economist Milton Friedman while objectivist thinker Ayn Rand was accused of “Gender Roles and Homophobia.”

Campus Reform spoke to the Reddit user who originally uploaded the images of the defaced statues to the TumblrInAction subreddit.

Reaction online was mostly negative.


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Snoop Dogg blames Ronald Reagan for gang violence in LA and says Reaganomics ushered in era of drug deals and gunshots

Snoop, aka Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr, was speaking at SXSW in Austin. Rapper, 43, said Reagan was at fault for gang violence in East LA in 1980s. Blamed former president for drugs and guns arriving in the neighborhood. ‘When Reaganomics kicked in, certain things were taken away’, Snoop said.

Snopp Dogg said he blames President Ronald Reagan for the culture of gang violence that existed in parts of Los Angeles, California during the 1980s and beyond.

Snoop, aka Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr, brought the issue up after he took the stage in Austin, Texas, on Friday as South by Southwest Music’s 2015 keynote speaker.

The 43-year-old said Reaganomics prompted a shift away from football and fun to guns and drugs.

Snoop was talking about an HBO show he is developing that will be about life on the West Coast during the 1980s.

The plot will center ‘on a family whose seemingly idyllic life is turned upside down by the collision of their community and American politics’, Deadline reported.

The hip-hop legend said Reaganomics was ‘designed’ to make things tough in the inner-city, the Daily Beast reported.

Snoop said: ‘When Reaganomics kicked in, certain things were taken away, after-school programs and things of that nature.

‘Guns and drugs were shipped into the neighborhood.

‘So it was a shift of having fun and playing football to selling drugs and shooting at each other.

‘To me it was a system that was designed, because when the Reaganomics era began, that’s when this began.’


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Introducing a conservative Hollywood award show! (Video)

Find out ‘how Ronald Reagan industry turned into Matt Damon industry.’

Oh! It’s that magical time of the year, when we all tune in to the Oscars and the Emmys to find out which celebs are most important this year. The joviality, the pomp, the media thunderstorm! How could anyone miss these award extravaganzas?

Maybe, just maybe, many of us actually do skip them because Hollywood has become a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party. We pass on watching the elitist leftists patting themselves on the back once again.

But it hasn’t always been that way. Hollywood used to be a town of hard-working, red-blooded Americans, who just happened to pick up some fame along the way. Think of Jimmy Stewart, who voluntarily served in a combat role in the armed forces. Or John Wayne, who espoused such a patriotic character that the USSR was thinking of having him assassinated. And don’t forget that before Ronald Reagan was president, he starred in several movies and was the head of the Screen Actors Guild.


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What Happened to Ronald Reagan’s Hollywood? (Video)

The Hollywood red carpets were once home to Ronald Reagan and John Wayne, and they’re now the land of Matt Damon & Michael Moore. How did we wind up here?

Complete Classic Movie: Code Of the Secret Service (1939)

Stars: Ronald Reagan, Rosella Towne, Eddie Foy Jr. Brass is assigned to uncovering a counterfeiting ring that has stolen bona-fide treasury plates and is converting $1 bills to $100’s through a Mexican casino.

Ronald Reagan – Address to a Special Session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France May 8, 1985

“When we Americans think about our European heritage, we tend to think of your cultural influences and the rich ethnic heritage you gave us. But the Industrial Revolution that transformed the American economy came from Europe. The guiding intellectual lights of our democratic system—Locke, Montesquieu, and Adam Smith—came from Europe. And the geniuses who ushered in the modern industrial-technological age came from—well, I think you know, but two examples will suffice: Alexander Graham Bell, whose great invention maddens every American parent whose child insists on phoning his European pen pal rather than writing to him—and he was a Scotsman— [laughter] —and Guglielmo Marconi, who invented the radio, thereby providing a living for a young man from Dixon, Illinois, who later went into politics. I guess I should explain: That’s me. Blame Marconi. [Laughter] And Marconi, as you know, was born in Italy.” President Ronald Reagan

The President. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to be with you on this day.

We mark today the anniversary of the liberation of Europe from tyrants who had seized this continent and plunged it into a terrible war. Forty years ago today, the guns were stilled and peace began, a peace that has become the longest of this century.

On this day 40 years ago, they swarmed onto the boulevards of Paris, rallied under the Arc de Triomphe and sang the Marseillaise. They were out there in the open and free air. And now, on this day 40 years ago, Winston Churchill walked out onto a balcony in Whitehall and said to the people of Britain, “This is your victory.” And the crowd yelled back, in an unforgettable moment of love and gratitude, “No, it is yours.” Londoners tore the blackout curtains from their windows, put floodlights on the great symbols of English history. And for the first time in nearly 6 years, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and St. Paul’s Cathedral were illuminated against the sky.

Across the ocean, a half a million New Yorkers flooded Times Square and laughed and posed for the cameras. In Washington, our new President Harry Truman called reporters into his office and said, “The flags of freedom fly all over Europe.”

On that day 40 years ago, I was at my post in an Army Air Corps installation in Culver City, California. Passing a radio, I heard the words, “Ladies and gentlemen, the war in Europe is over.” I felt a chill, as if a gust of cold wind had just swept past, and even though fox’ America there was still a war in the Pacific front, I realized I would never forget that moment.


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Ronald Reagan & John Wayne talk GOTV (Get out the Vote)

“The magic is as wide as a smile and as narrow as a wink, loud as laughter and quiet as a tear, tall as a tale and deep as emotion. So strong, it can lift the spirit. So gentle, it can touch the heart. It is the magic that begins the happily ever after.” – Unknown

A New Time for Choosing by Ted Cruz (Video)

There’s still great hope for America, but as Reagan knew, the people have to choose.

Fifty years ago today America faced a choice very much similar to the choice we face today.

On October 27, 1964, a clarion call was heard across the nation. America faced a choice, a speaker told us: We could either “abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves,” or we could reaffirm our belief “in our capacity for self-government.”

That man was Ronald Reagan and then, as now, it was a time to choose.

Today, the threats are every bit as dire. Over the past six years, individual rights have been attacked from all corners. In my home state of Texas, the City of Houston recently subpoenaed pastors, ordering them to surrender their sermons to City Hall. Powerful leaders from the White House on down have sought to take away Second Amendment rights from citizens all across America. Senate Democrats are supporting a constitutional amendment to repeal the individual right to free speech enshrined in the First Amendment. The IRS has illegally targeted Americans for their political beliefs.


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