SSFC approves MEChA budget request

The student government finance committee unanimously approved a budget of over $150,000 for Movimento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) Thursday.

SSFC Rep. Cale Plamann said MEChA had a ‘fiscally responsible’ budget and should receive its requested funding.

The student government finance committee unanimously approved a budget of over $150,000 for Movimento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) Thursday.

According to the group’s website, MEChA is a student group that works to educate campus and the community about Chican@ culture and struggles.

The Student Services Finance Committee made minor alterations to the budget, including adding funding for an off-campus location to the budget if the group cannot find on-campus location by March 1.

SSFC Rep. David Vines said it is important the group find a space to provide their services to students.

“[The group] needs a space to perform direct services, and if we fail to give them space we would be doing a disservice to the group,” said Vines.

Rep. Cale Plamann said he thought MEChA’s budget request was reasonable.


Original source.

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