Report: FBI Warned About Potential School Shooter Named Nikolas Cruz in September

The FBI was notified in September after a YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz left a comment about wanting to be a “professional school shooter,” reports the far-left BuzzFeed News.

A YouTuber named Ben Bennight emailed the FBI tip-line after he noticed a comment left by a “Nikolas Cruz” on one of his videos. The comment read, “I’m going to be a professional school shooter.”

Bennight lives in Mississippi and says he was “immediately” contacted by the local FBI office. He met with agents the following day. “That was the last I heard from them,” he told BuzzFeed.

In the wake of the arrest of 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz for the murders of 17 people in Wednesday’s school shooting in Parkland, FL, Bennight was again contacted by the FBI.

According to BuzzFeed, Special Agent Ryan Furr left the following voice mail: “I think we spoke with you in the past about a complaint that you made about someone making a comment on your YouTube channel. I just wanted to follow up with you on that and ask you a question with something that’s come up, if you wouldn’t mind giving me a ring.”


Complete text linked here.

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