Psychiatrist Warns of ‘Time Bomb’ in Germany: ‘Today’s Migrants Are Not Integrable’

A psychiatrist has warned that Germany faces a “time bomb” as a result of the mass migration of young men who have “crazy potential for aggression”.

“This is a time bomb,” Christian Peter Dogs said of the decision to open Germany’s borders, in an appearance on the Peter Hahne talkshow on ZDF last month, explaining that psychiatry has found people’s temperament and personality are usually fixed by the age of 12.

Stating that migrants “can’t just ‘be taught’ to understand our values”, he said that classes on how to behave in Germany were unlikely to have much effect, adding: “You have to accept that.”

“There are people who have crazy potential for aggression because they have grown up surrounded by war. They have learned to fight and don’t even know the meaning of living harmoniously,” said Dogs.

On the Peter Hahne show episode — the topic of which was “the power of fear” — the psychiatrist said the biggest mistake politicians are making now, with regards to the migrant influx, is their response to voters’ concerns on the issue.

People are “neither ‘far right’ nor anything else”, he said, noting how critics of mass migration have been pathologised as “bad” and “far right”, whilst reports of problems with regards to the newcomers’ behaviour have been suppressed.


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