Adam Carolla Testifies Before Congress, Says We Must End Campus Safe Spaces (Video)

“We’re the adults, and we need to act like it.” Refreshing words from a Hollywood celebrity!

Comparing college students to astronauts who spend too much time without gravity and lose their bone structure, Adam Carolla testified before Congress about the need to end campus safe spaces. He said college students must be exposed to opposing viewpoints and honest discussion, otherwise, they will lose their mental acuity. As an example, he said that when he co-hosted Loveline with Dr. Drew Pinsky, he toured the nation speaking at campuses, but that when he tried to do a speaking tour with Dennis Prager, he was told he couldn’t even speak at a local California State University campus. He argues that speakers should not need to get lawyers involved to allow for a marketplace of ideas for our students.

Original source.

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