Jon Voight at Inauguration: Lincoln Smiling Knowing ‘America Will Be Saved by An Honest and Good Man’ (Video)

Hollywood screen legend and early Donald Trump supporter Jon Voight delivered an electrifying speech Thursday at the “Make America Great Again: Welcome Celebration” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

“This is some day,” Voight said to roaring applause from the massive crowd. “Dear friends, fellow Americans. I’m so happy to be here to welcome you all to the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.”

Voight continued, recounting that the election was “a barrage of propaganda that left us all breathless with anticipation not knowing if God could reverse all the negative lies against Mr. Trump, whose only desire was to make America great again.”

“He certainly didn’t need this job. And yes, God answered all our prayers,” the Oscar-winner said.

Voight assured the crowd that Abraham Lincoln was smiling knowing “America will be saved by an honest and good man who will work for all the people, no matter their creed or color.”


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