These 2,000 U.S. companies prefer foreign workers over Americans

Obama coddles ‘willful’ abusers of visa program who ‘actively and publicly prefer’ aliens.

President Obama’s Department of Labor has identified dozens of U.S. employers who are violating the rules of the nation’s foreign guest-worker program, yet are still being allowed to continue replacing American workers with cheaper foreign labor.

The Center for Immigration Studies has published two maps identifying chronic users and abusers of the so-called H1-B visa program.

The first map contains the names of 2,000 employers across the U.S. that are “dependent” on foreign guest workers coming in to fill jobs that would ordinarily be taken by Americans if not for the program, passed by Congress, that allows them to hire foreigners at lower wages. These firms actually prefer foreign workers over Americans.

The second map includes “willful” violators, which are companies that have skirted the rules and abused the program, yet, in most cases have not been barred by Obama’s DOL from continuing to use the program.


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