Finally! Now Let’s Focus on Why Hillary Approved Sale Of At Least 20% of Our Uranium to Russia (Video)

But tell us again how Trump is in cahoots with Putin….

Democrats, led by the Clinton campaign, have doubled — even tripled-down — on peddling the Trump-Putin-Russia conspiracy theory in order to deflect attention away from Hillary Clinton’s myriad transgressions — not least of which is the fact that it is she who has more dubious ties to Russia than anyone else.

For some reason, even too many Republicans have been reticent about the UraniumOne deal, which ultimately saw then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approve the sale of 20 percent (and slated to grow to 50 percent) of our nation’s uranium production to Russia.

During a recent Special Report, Bret Baier interviewed New York Times reporter Jo Becker, who actually first broke the story about how the Clintons, through mega-donor Frank Giustra, played a role in selling-out our nation’s uranium production to the Russia-owned firm, UraniumOne.

The video report featured above explains how Frank Giustra, a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton, was interested in purchasing uranium mines in Kazakhstan. In order to help his friend, Bill met with the country’s president and publicly praised his record on human rights (a joke considering this is Kazakhstan). In return for Bill’s PR-plug, Kazakhstan approved the sale of uranium mines to Giustra, who in turn turned an “worthless shell company” into a lucrative one. Giustra in return donated $31 million to the Clinton foundation and pledged $100 million more.


Complete text linked here.

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