Camille Paglia: Hillary is ‘a Disaster!’

“It’s an outrage how she’s played the gender card. She is a woman without accomplishment.”

In an interview with the UK Spectator today, iconoclastic feminist academic Camille Paglia unleashes her refreshingly fearless takes on today’s coddled feminists, the unaccomplished Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump as “amazing moment of change.”

“My philosophy of feminism,” Paglia says, “I call street-smart Amazon feminism. I’m from an immigrant family. The way I was brought up was: the world is a dangerous place; you must learn to defend yourself. You can’t be a fool. You have to stay alert.”

Instead, she asserts, middle-class girls today are being raised in just the opposite fashion: coddled, indulged and protected in safe spaces from reality, today’s young feminists embrace victimhood and powerlessness rather than independence:

“We are rocketing backwards here to the Victorian period with this belief that women are not capable of making decisions on their own. This is not feminism — which is to achieve independent thought and action. There will never be equality of the sexes if we think that women are so handicapped they can’t look after themselves.”


Complete text linked here.

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