Austrian Editor Charged With Hate Speech For Covering Migrant Crimes

An editor for the largest newspaper in Austria is being charged with hate speech after writing an article on crimes committed by migrants.

In the article, Christoph Biro wrote about how Afghan migrants slashed the seats on trains taking them to Germany because they didn’t want to sit where Christians previously had.

He also commented on the violent crime being committed by migrants in Austria, calling the individuals “testosterone-driven.”

Earlier this year, a migrant raped a grandmother while she was out walking her dog by a riverbank. A group of migrants also gang-raped a 21-year-old student in Vienna’s Prater park. In yet another violent crime committed by migrants, a 54-year-old woman was beaten to death.

As the New York Times reports, the fact that migrants committed these crimes is highly contentious among Austrians, who see it as a very inconvenient truth.

In other words, it’s no surprise that Mr. Biro’s article received a whole host of complaints from readers — 37, to be exact.

Following the complaints, Mr. Biro took four weeks off and apologized for his comments. That didn’t change much, though; shortly afterwards, Austrian officials announced they would be seeking hate speech charges against the editor.


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