12-yo Muslim Immigrant Turns Out to be 21-yo Muslim Terrorist (Video)

In the rush to appear politically correct, many brain-dead Leftists are willing to put their families and countries at risk.

There is no way to vet Muslims fleeing Muslim countries. The notion of Muslims are “fleeing” Muslim countries should be warning enough. Even radical Muslims claim to be peaceful, as long as you are a Muslim.

Nevertheless, worldwide countries accept these terrorists under the guise of humanitarianism.

As reported in The Daily Star

Rosie welcomed Jamal into her home after social workers told her he was a 12-year-old orphan refugee from Afghanistan.

But Rosie soon had her suspicions about her “humble, polite” guest after noticing how hairy he was.

A dentist estimated that Jamal was more than a decade older than he claimed.

That’s right, TEN YEARS OLDER! The “child” who was vetted by the UK government and brought into the home of “Rosie” was a 21-yo Muslim terrorist.

And it gets worse,

Taliban material and child abuse images were later found on his phone, according to The Sun.


Complete text and video linked here.

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