Peggy Noonan: Hillary ‘Has No Argument to Make’ Against Pay-to-Play Accusations (Video)

Sunday on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” former speech writer for President Ronald Reagan and columnist for The Wall Street Journal Peggy Noonan said on the various pay-to-play accusations between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s State Department and donors to the Clinton Foundation, “She has no argument to make here.”

Partial transcript as follows:

DICKERSON: That was a question, Peggy, about allegations and proof in e-mails both hacked and also found through Freedom of Information requests of a closeness between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. She was asked about that closeness and her pledge to make sure there was no appearance of closeness, and she went and just talked about the great things the foundation was doing and didn’t answer the question at all. In politics, they say if you’re explaining, you’re losing. she decided just not to explain.

NOONAN: That’s one way to look at it. You might say that was avowing to the fact that she has no argument to make here that is going the really make you think, oh, there was no pay for play, and if those allegations are wrong. I did think it took a special maybe gumption is the word to say, and we know I have only done the best work for America, after all, that is what my State Department said. That is like, you tell me you did something wrong and I say, oh, no, I didn’t, and I know I didn’t because me said I didn’t. It was her State Department. So what can she do but pivot away from something that I think is a serious charge that even people in your focus group were talking about. It’s just out there. Everybody knows what they think.

Original source.

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