Video: The Yuge Case For Donald Trump – Part 2 (Intellectual Froglegs)

The lines have been drawn– there is a segment of society that no matter what… they hate Donald Trump, and the notion of him becoming president make them ill.. To them I dedicate this video. Heh, heh, heh.

The number one, two and three issues are the border, the economy and immigration…. all three inextricably connected. And America wants the damn wall that we’ve been promised for 40 years. Trump will deliver.

The haters continue to claim Trump is no conservative… but his policies are conservative as hell…which leads me to the following conclusion. Considering Trump’s undeniably conservative policies… in conjunction with his unparalleled business successes— and add the fact that he has lived his life in a WILDLY liberal Manhattan, I conclude that Trump has always been a closet conservative.

A businessman has to make friends to succeed.


Complete text linked here.

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