Black leader: Media cover up mass shootings – by blacks

‘Whereas when white people commit mass shootings, you hear about it all the time’

New Orleans experienced its biggest mass shooting since 2013 on Nov. 22 when several gunmen from two rival gangs allegedly opened fire on each other in a park filled with hundreds of people. The shooting wounded 17 people.

But the incident did not receive nearly as much attention from the national media as did the shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic later that week, in which three people were killed and nine wounded.

The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a WND columnist and founder of the civil rights nonprofit BOND, said Americans don’t hear enough about mass shooting attacks committed by black men.

“There’s this idea in America that only white men commit mass shootings or mass murders,” Peterson said recently on his radio show. “Well, it’s not true. Black men are doing it, too.”

It is a white man, Robert Lewis Dear, who is suspected of shooting up the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility. On the other hand, a black man, Joseph “Moe” Allen, was the first suspect named and arrested for the shooting in New Orleans’ Bunny Friend Park.

Peterson, author of the new book, “The Antidote,” believes there is a double standard when it comes to media coverage of black shooters versus white shooters.


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