Trump Blasts Obama Administration as ‘Dumbest Foreign Policy People’ In U.S. History

Trump suggested we turn our attention to pressing domestic issues. “I want to see us rebuild the United States, our roads, our bridges, our tunnels, our airports. Everything is falling apart.”

It appears that Donald Trump is taking a practical view of American foreign policy, putting an emphasis on regional stability over the spread of political reform.

“Sometimes the bad guy is better than the people we’re going to put in,” Trump said on an interview on Fox News’ Hannity. “You just have to see what happened in Libya and what happened in Iraq.”

Trump criticized what he believes is the administration’s wasteful support of unknown elements on the ground in Syria, including the Free Syrian Army and supposed “moderate” elements of the Syrian resistance.

“It’s hard to get enthusiastic about backing people for billions and billions of dollars, that we have no idea who they are. This has happened to us so many times over the years we’ve been scammed by people.”

When asked to address Russia’s recent escalation of its presence in Syria, the billionaire real estate mogul didn’t appear too concerned with President’ Putin’s aggressive support of Bashar al-Assad. Trump suggested Russian policy could lead to a repeat of the Soviet Union’s ill-fated, 10-year war in Afghanistan.


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