Sheriff Clarke: Media Has Kept Blacks Under ’60 Years of Enslavement’ on ‘Liberal Plantation’ (Video)

He added, “The fact is one of the roles of the mainstream media, the liberal mainstream media, is to demonize and vilify people like Dr. Carson, like Allen West and Clarence Thomas because their voices will resonate in the black community. And that is their biggest fear because blacks will open their eyes and bolt from the liberal plantation.”

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s on “Hannity” during a discussion about Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson saying African-American’s have been manipulated by the media and politicians, Milwaukee Co., WI Sheriff David Clarke said the liberal mainstream media has become the Democrats lapdog that has kept American-Americans in “60 years of enslavement under Democrat control.”

Clarke said, “Bravo, Dr. Carson. Of course he’s right. The mainstream media in America has abandoned their constitutional duty really to be a government watchdog and be neutral in all of these things. Instead, they have become the propaganda wing, a lapdog, the public information office for the Democrat party, their liberal agenda and their leftist ideology.”

“Look the mainstream media, the liberal mainstream media refuses to tell and write the stories and the op-eds to inform blacks that after 60 years of enslavement under Democrat control there lives have not gotten better. This liberal mainstream media continues to not tell the story that under the first black president, the standard of living of blacks hasn’t gotten better. Poverty is worse and the schools have gotten worse. They can’t find meaningful work.”


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