Jeff Sessions: Donald Trump Backs Nation’s Interest, Not Special Interests

The Chairman of the Senate’s Immigration Subcommittee, Sen. Jeff Sessions, is brimming with praise for Donald Trump’s pro-American worker trade and immigration policies.

The Senator issued a Sept. 9 statement after holding a surprise Capitol Hill meeting with the GOP frontrunner, following his speech at a rally opposing President Barack Obama’s Iran deal.

“Mr. Trump has outlined trade and immigration policies that serve the national interest, not the special interests,” Sessions declared.

“Anyone who wants to sit in the Oval Office must promote trade and immigration plan that improve jobs and wages for Americans,” Sessions added:

Wages are lower today than in 1973. We have already accumulated $442 billion in trade deficits this year alone. The Census bureau projects that new immigration into the U.S. will break all known records. Countless Americans, including millions of African-American and Hispanic workers, are hurting. The record admission of new foreign workers, combined with a weak trade policy that sends our jobs overseas, have decimated middle class incomes.

But America’s global elites continue to push trade and immigration policies that further reduce wages, increase joblessness and destabilize our communities. Mr. Trump has outlined trade and immigration policies that serve the national interest, not the special interests. Anyone who wants to sit in the Oval Office must promote trade and immigration plan that improve jobs and wages for Americans.


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