GOP Rep Floats Closing All U.S. Consulates in Mexico: ‘Place Is Out of Control’

In the wake of violence in Mexico and the ongoing influx of criminal immigrants to the U.S. through the southern border, Rep. John Mica Wednesday suggested the closing of all the U.S. consulates there.

“The figures are astounding,” Mica said during a House Oversight Committee hearing, reiterating that last year one out of every five arrests at the border was a criminal alien, a statistic quoted earlier in the hearing by National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd.

“So to get arrested they had to be in and caught” Mica said. “That is absolutely astounding. Simple math, that’s probably 100,000 criminal aliens entering the United States. Basically it’s out of control.”

The Florida congressman noted that in Judd’s earlier testimony, the Border Patrol union head had encouraged “consequences.”

Mica pointed to the consulates the U.S. has in Mexico as a possible area for consequences.

“How many consulates do we have? I counted about nine in Mexico. Is that right? I think we should close every one of those consulates immediately. Put the property up for sale. I think you have to have some consequences for actions. The place is out of control,” Mica said.


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