Julian Bond Dead at 75; Radical Background Ignored by Media

In 1982, he endorsed the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, a communist front group headed by Angela Davis and other members of the Communist Party USA. In 2006, he served on the national advisory board of Apollo Alliance, a group founded by the revolutionary communist Van Jones.

While ignoring deep and decades-long communist sympathies, the mainstream media used the death of Julian Bond (shown) to glorify a radical revolutionary, calling him a “hero,” “gifted,” “smart,” a “friend” of President Obama, “passionate,” “eloquent,” and a civil rights “champion.”

Al Sharpton was solicited for his comments on Bond:

As one who came out of the immediate generation after him, I grew up admiring and studying the work of Julian Bond.… The country has lost a champion for human rights.

As was Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, who added:

Future generations will look back on the life and legacy of Julian Bond and see a warrior of good who helped conquer hate in the name of love. I will greatly miss my friend and my hero, Dr. Julian Bond.


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