Top 5 tasks for a GOP prez — if you’re really serious by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent advises candidates to carry a big stick … and what to do with it.

I hear some pretty good rhetoric from the gaggle of Republican candidates vying for the opportunity, privilege and duty to put an end to this embarrassing suicidal scourge of Obama’s criminal fundamental transformation scam.

Unfortunately, pretty good qualifies as lame where I come from. What we are looking for in a leader, as I demand in bandmates and everyone in my life, and what America used to demand for in everything, is the very best, not pretty good.

Clearly, anyone with half a brain can tell by now that this insane fundamental transformation is obamaspeak for dismantling the American Dream and the reversing of the greatest quality of life in the history of mankind.

The denial is palpable. Denial is like dope.

Only those on dope fail to recognize how foolish those on dope look, sound, smell and act like braindead dopey morons.

The trick is to not be a braindead moron and stay off dope.

The only sheep dishonest enough to vote Democrat are the dopey sheep benefiting from the redistribution scam artists, thereby enslaving the sheep to further engineered dependency.


Complete text linked here.

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