Jimmy Carter described as ‘dupe’ of communism (Video)

Author cites former president’s description of North Korea as ‘like Times Square’

Don’t just beware of the communists – beware of communist dupes, political science professor Paul Kengor is warning.

“A dupe is really an innocent,” Kengor recently told an audience at the Institute of World Politics. “A dupe doesn’t have malicious intent. A dupe unwittingly aids and abets the enemy, and if you think about it, that’s an especially dangerous situation, where you have people aiding and abetting, in the case of Soviet Communism, evil. And they don’t even realize that they’re doing it.”

Kengor has built his academic career on exposing the motivations and tactics of the radical left. His latest book, “Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage,” examines how the left is using same-sex marriage as a vehicle to destroy marriage and the family. But his 2010 book, “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century,” formed the basis of his lecture at the IWP.

To term someone a “dupe” is not simply name-calling, according to Kengor. The word was commonly used during the Cold War when communists referred to those they hoodwinked as “dupes.”

The professor explained that communists mostly targeted liberals and progressives as potential dupes, because they were already close to communism on the ideological spectrum.


Complete text and video linked here.

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