Laura Ingraham: Confederate Symbol Purge Won’t End with Flag Bans

On Wednesday, conservative radio host Laura Ingraham warned that the frenzied purging of Confederate flags will likely lead to Democrats and Republicans joining together to toss all traces of Southern heritage down the memory hole.

“The repressive elites say, ‘jump.’ ‘Jump to ban flags.’ ‘Jump to move a statue.’ One day it’s moving statue; the next day it’s closing the museum — because, after all, people can go to a museum and become enraptured with the historical message of Jefferson Davis,” Ingraham said. “What are we going to do with his burial site?”

“We’re, in a way, blowing up parts of history,” she continued. “Today it’s Jefferson Davis. Tomorrow it’s Robert E. Lee, and on and on and on. But what is Mitch McConnell doing? Right after this gift to Obama on trade? What on earth are you doing? This Saul Alinsky [tactic] — get off the main topic — the main topic is that America and our sovereignty is being threatened: our jobs, wages, our way of life, our border.”

The GOP is marching in lockstep with the Left to demand that essential aspects of American heritage be crushed while allowing the Obama administration to flood the country with dangerous illegal aliens. Soon, it will become taboo to plan Civil War re-enactments, she warned.


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