Caught on Hidden Camera: Politicians Cash In On Export Import Bank (Video)

“The behind the scenes political shenanigans involved with the reauthorization of the Export Import Bank are a great example of what is wrong with American politics,” stated James O’Keefe, President of Project Veritas. “This isn’t a Democrat-Republican or left-right issue; it is legalized bribery at its core. We captured a Democrat, a Republican, an employee of the Bank, and a high-level advocate for the Bank all speaking about the behind the scenes maneuvering that the American people despise. Project Veritas will continue to root out such rampant corruption.”

New James O’Keefe Video: Congressional Staffer Says On Hidden Camera That Large Corporations Such as Boeing and Mitsubishi Purchase Influence Through Campaign Contributions. “They are big campaign contributors of ours… you know, we’ll help them out.”

California Representatives Provide Conflicting Information On Upcoming Controversial EXIM Bank Vote

Award-winning journalist and New York Times’ best-selling author James O’Keefe released a powerful new video today showing that the federal government’s Export Import Bank is nothing more than a form of corporate welfare that corrupts the political process. Dillon Lesovsky, a staffer who says he runs the political arm for Republican Congressman Paul Cook of California, was captured on hidden camera admitting that his boss is going to vote in favor of reauthorizing the Bank because large supporters of the EXIM Bank, Boeing and Mitsubishi, were also large contributors to the Congressman and were exerting pressure. “They are big campaign contributors of ours,” said Lesovsky “you know, we’ll help them out.”


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