Trump: ‘Last Person I’d Want Negotiating for Me Is Obama’ (Video)

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump went “On The Record” tonight, where he discussed race relations in America and the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill.

Trump told Greta Van Susteren that race relations in America will “always be a big topic.”

“You would have thought with an African-American president, at a minimum you would have thought he would have been a cheerleader for the country,” Trump asserted. “And frankly, it would have been a lot better. But it hasn’t worked out that well.”

Trump said that providing more jobs in America will help heal the deep wounds in the country.

“We have to take the jobs away from other countries that are making our product, they’re taking our money, and they are in fact taking our jobs,” Trump stated.

He also said the country won’t benefit from the TPA.


Complete text linked here.

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