Conservatives Score Huge Victory With Majority Win In The UK; Three Other Party Leaders Resign in Unprecedented Fashion

So, what’s next? Leaving the European Union, as many conservatives have wanted to do for years, will certainly be on the debate agenda.

Conservatives in the UK are celebrating today after Prime Minister David Cameron overwhelmingly secured victory, and a majority, over the Labour Party. More from AP:

The Conservative Party swept to power Friday in Britain’s Parliamentary elections, winning an unexpected and resounding victory that returns Prime Minister David Cameron to 10 Downing Street in a stronger position than before.

Cameron went Friday afternoon to Buckingham Palace, where he is expected to tell Queen Elizabeth II that he has enough support to form a government.

That brings the election to a much-quicker-than-expected conclusion. Polls ahead of Election Day showed Conservatives locked in a tight race with the opposition Labour Party, raising the possibility of days or weeks of negotiations to form a government.


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