Wage ‘war’ on U.S. tax code! by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent identifies harder-to-destroy enemy than ISIS ‘voodoo monsters’.

Some 50 years ago, President Johnson declared a war on poverty. Since then we’ve blown through roughly $20 trillion, and the poverty rate essentially remains the same as it was before we started the phony charade.

Roughly 40 years ago, President Nixon declared a war on drugs. This political war, too, has cost taxpayers over a trillion dollars. Federal and state spending on this war on drugs is roughly $50 billion a year, yet we still have the highest level of illegal drug use on the planet.

Recently, President Obama asked Congress to authorize war against the Islamic State. All decent people know that the world will be better off without the Islamic State voodoo monsters running amok with their allah-devil insanity. If we actually meant it, we would unshackle the greatest military warriors the world has ever known and declare the proper rules of engagement – i.e., kill ‘em all and let Satan sort ‘em out.

Though he didn’t use the word “war,” Sen. Rand Paul also stated recently, “The IRS is too big, too powerful, and we absolutely should scrap the code.”

The great Texan Ted Cruz offered the ultimate remedy for the IRS: “Abolish it!”


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