Did the Book “The New Jim Crow” Discredit Oprah Winfrey‘s Hard Work?

Kimberly Klacik writes, “If Michelle Alexander would like to write a book on an epidemic crippling black communities, I suggest researching families that have successfully taken advantage of government assistance for generations.”

If we were to ask Oprah Winfrey about her journey to success, do you think she would agree with the author of “The New Jim Crow”, Michelle Alexander, that she defied odds? It seems Oprah Winfrey may have simply worked hard and didn’t use the color of her skin as an excuse. So frequently, self proclaimed civil rights leaders interject race in an unfortunate situation between a black and a white. Could it be possible that situations similar to the Michael Brown case could have been caused by the perfect storm? If Officer Wilson had better training, rather than shooting to kill, and Michael Brown did not feel entitled to reach for an officer’s gun, he may be alive today.

Michelle Alexander is an associate professor of law at Ohio State University, a civil rights advocate and a writer. Alexander must have defied odds as well when she graduated from Stanford Law and Vanderbilt University. In her book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, Alexander claims that mass imprisonment’s true targets are blacks, and that incarcerated whites are ‘collateral damage.’ Alexander argues that the “War on Drugs” has had a devastating impact on inner city African American communities, on a scale entirely out of proportion to the actual dimensions of criminal activity taking place within these communities.


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