Time capsule buried by the real ‘Sons of Liberty’ opened after 220 years (Video)

A message from ‘His Excellency’ Sam Adams and ‘The Most Worshipful’ Paul Revere to the 21st Century.

They were the foot soldiers of the American Revolution, and are set to be at the center of new History channel miniseries Sons of Liberty.

And on Tuesday night a time capsule buried by war figures Paul Revere, Samuel Adams and William Scollay in 1795 was opened up, some 220 years after it was first put in the ground.

Officials at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts spent hours pouring through the 10-pound, corroded copper box and the artifacts inside.

Among the finds were five folded newspapers and at least 24 coins – dating from 1652 to 1855 – including half-cent, one-cent, half-dime, 10-cent and 25-cent coins.

Another set of coins included a pine tree shilling and a copper medal showing George Washington.


Complete text and video linked here.

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