Florida Bill Would Require Students to Watch D’Souza Film: Media Panicked

Florida State Senator Alan Hays has filed SB 96, a bill that would require 8th and 11th grade students to watch the highly-patriotic Dinesh D’Souza documentary, America: Imagine the World Without Her. Predictably, the leftist press in Florida is apoplectic with hysteria.

Here’s the Orlando Weekly:

In his bill, Hays calls D’Souza’s movie a “patriotic film,” but it might be more accurately described as conservative agitprop—he’s anti-Obama, anti-progressive, anti-liberal and his movie isn’t so much about history as it is about his political point of view—his very pointedly anti-liberal, pro-Christian point of view.

The Orlando Sentinel: “If you could cash in on crazy, Florida would be the richest state in America.” The Sentinel also referred to the film as an “Obama-bashing documentary.”

The text of the bill reads:

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:

Section 1. Section 1003.447, Florida Statutes, is created

to read: Patriotic film screening.—Each district school board shall ensure that each middle school and high school within its jurisdiction requires its 8th grade and 11th grade students, respectively, to annually attend a screening of the film “America: Imagine the World Without Her.” The school board shall require each such student to attend the screening unless the student’s parent requests in writing that the student be excused.

Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2015.

Original source.

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