Illegal aliens hit the amnesty jackpot in Vegas (Video)

In 2011, he told the National Council of La Raza (one of those explicitly racist organizations that is super-duper-okay because of which race it promotes) that it was “tempting” to bypass Congress and change the law on his own, but he couldn’t, because “that’s not how our democracy functions, that’s not how our Constitution is written.”

Rumor has it that President Obama will deliver our next constitutional crisis, and the effective end of American immigration law, in a splashy Las Vegas ceremony on Friday, preceded by a prime-time address to the nation on Thursday. If you are a law-abiding legal immigrant or native-born citizen, particularly a low-skill worker looking to get back into the shrunken U.S. workforce, there is no reason to watch either of these presentations, because Barack Obama has nothing to say to you.

Before the election, Obama was keen to get Republican fingerprints on amnesty for illegal aliens, but now he seems hell-bent on doing it unilaterally, and illegally. It was only a few days ago that Obama magnanimously offered to throw his executive orders in the wastebasket, if the victorious Republican Party would simply give him everything he wants. He didn’t even give them time to capitulate, which hardly seems sporting.


Complete text and video linked here.

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