Multicultural Education Conference Will Tackle ‘Hierarchies’ At Swanky El Conquistador Resort

“Dismantling fronteras is no easy task,” according to conference organizers, because “strong forces are at play to keep people divided and power in the hands of the privileged few.”

The National Association for Multicultural Education is holding a conference this week in Tucson, Ariz. entitled “Dismantling Fronteras through Multicultural Education: Con Comunidad, Cariño y Coraje.”

The brave and revolutionary conference will begin Wednesday and run through the weekend at a resort called “El Conquistador,” the Arizona Daily Independent reports.

The full name of the fancypants, four-star resort is the Hilton Tucson El Conquistador Golf & Tennis Resort.

“Conquistador” is a word that means “conqueror” and which specifically refers to the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and parts of South America.

At the $200-per-night resort, conference attendees will discuss “hierarchies” including “rich over poor” and “citizen over recent arrival.”


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