Alert: Obama Is Officially Prepping To Give Amnesty To 34,000,000 (34 Million) by Dennis Michael Lynch

It’s being reported all over the web, including on, that the Obama administration is searching for vendors who can handle the paperwork (work visas) for 34 Million illegal aliens. Not 11,000,000 like so many people FROM your favorite 2016 camp will tell you. 34,000,000 (34 Million). As in the number I have been warning you of since THEY COME TO AMERICA II (2012).

Ask yourself this question before you decide not to share this post, or before you click unlike. You have a lineup of 4 “conservatives” and you can only pick one guy who you know will fight for you to the bitter death. Someone who will protect your job, your kids’ future, your health, your life. Someone who will stand in front of machine guns to prevent any chance of you being shot. Who are you going to pick… Sen. Paul? Dr Carson? Sen. Cruz? Or me?

Better yet. I challenge you to call your favorite guy tonight and ask his staff member to pass on one very simple question, but be sure to get the answer in writing. Ask, “If you can somehow get kids to vote for you instead of Hillary and thus, you are elected President, will you override Obama’s executive amnesty?” If they don’t say yes without taking a pause, well then I just answered the question in paragraph 2 for you.

And if you don’t think this post is worthy of sharing, I hate to see you go, but you should probably click UNLIKE now because I only plan on ratcheting it up from here.

Good night America.

Original source.

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