Ann Coulter: OK, It’s time to get mad

Won’t you be angry if our power-mad president grants millions of illegal immigrants “executive amnesty” on the basis of his nonexistent constitutional authority to ignore the law? The surge of needy foreigners across our Southern border, so far, will be nothing compared to what’s coming if Obama does this.

President Obama now says he will wait until after the November elections to implement an “executive amnesty” for 11 million illegal aliens, so as not to hurt Democrats’ chances this year.

Instead of waiting to be enraged in December, voters, could you please be enraged now? Once the holiday season kicks off, you’ll be too busy going to parties and Christmas shopping to notice that you’re suddenly living in Mexico.

Getting Obama to postpone a rancid idea isn’t something to celebrate. Yay! We did it! We forced him to delay doing something the country doesn’t want for six weeks! Every Republican candidate better be jamming Obama’s threat down the throats of their Democratic opponents.

Obama is claiming to have the powers of a dictator. Amnesty was considered by Congress, but — here’s the important thing: It didn’t pass. It only passed the Senate, with the votes of all Democrats and 14 not-bright Republicans. After that, widespread public revulsion prevented Marco Rubio’s amnesty bill from even being considered in the House.

But according to Obama, the only reason illegals haven’t already been given amnesty is that Congress is not “doing its job.”


Complete text linked here.

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