Sarah Palin: ‘Washington’ More Offensive to Americans than ‘Redskins’

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin blasted the “Politically Correct Police” and said most Americans find “Washington” more offensive than “Redskins.”

Americans do hate Washington, as Congress’ approval rating, according to recent Gallup polling, is at 7%, which is a record low. Nearly 70% of Americans did not want the Redskins to change their name, according to a recent national poll conducted by the left-leaning Public Policy Polling. Palin has been at the forefront against crony capitalism and the bipartisan permanent political class that more Americans are loathing.

In a recent Facebook post, Palin praised Rush Limbaugh for always being “ahead of issues, including this one where he gives a heads up that Coach Ditka may actually get fired for exercising America’s First Amendment.” On his radio show this week, Limbaugh wondered if ESPN may at least suspend Ditka for his remarks.

Nothing should surprise us lately; but when the Politically Correct Police bust Ditka, they hope the silent majority will cower under leftist control. My goodness, Ditka merely spoke his mind. This accomplished and esteemed coach knows there are big issues to be addressed in America today; there’s no intent to offend by referring to a team by the name they’ve proudly worn since day one and chose with pride in our native ancestry and obviously had absolutely no intent to insult; and the liberal media’s made-up controversies divide our country. The government’s intent to force any owner of anything, in this case an NFL entity, to change a name is the antithesis of the American way of working through differences. Ditka said he actually likes the Washington Redskins, and he’s a man full of commonsense and admired patriotism.


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