Radio Rebel: Laura Ingraham Turns Against the Establishment

“The establishment is the establishment for a reason,” says talk radio host Laura Ingraham, reflecting on her 2014 endorsements of long-shot Republican challengers to incumbent politicians. “They usually win; they kind of have it all tied up.”

Once a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, Ingraham cited the conservative champion as her political inspiration.

“Reagan understood that, and he understood that it’s very difficult; it’s a long struggle, and I think most races you won’t win,” she said.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Ingraham reflected on her radio and television media career as it increasingly verges towards political activism and away from punditry.

Ingraham recently made headlines for endorsing Joe Carr, the challenger to Tennessee Republican Senator Lamar Alexander. After she held a rally in support of Carr, former Governor Sarah Palin stepped up to support Carr as well. And she even recently said she’s considering running for office herself.

She acknowledged that Carr’s challenge was a different race than the surprise victory of David Brat against House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia, but said that she was willing to support it on principle—noting that there were some similarities between the two fights.

“If you don’t try, if you don’t fight, if you don’t try to make cracks in the armor of the establishment, then the knight will keep charging right through the American middle class,” she said.


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