4-day plan to solve the border crisis

Congressman: ‘President caused the problem, states can fix it’.

It’s a trap.

That’s what Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, thinks about the plan fashioned by GOP House leaders to solve the border crisis.

He believes it is an attempt to pass so-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform by another name because, not only does it not address the issue of amnesty, it would leave the door wide open for President Obama to extend amnesty to many more millions of illegal immigrants.

Another big problem in King’s eyes is that the revised plan that came out of a GOP House meeting on Friday is a “package,” or collection of many different ideas.

And, he told WND, “A package has no chance at becoming law and has every chance of coming back to us with who-knows-what hung on it. All it becomes is an excuse for us to say we did something.”

Instead, the congressman offered his simplified plan to fix the border crisis in less than a week.


Complete text linked here.

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