Congressman exposes truth behind illegal kids (Video)

Fact-finding mission finds children definitely NOT ‘refugees’.

As the only member of Congress to serve in both Vietnam and Iraq, Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Mich., knows what a dysfunctional country looks like.

He has seen his share of suffering an squalor during 27 years of service in the U.S. Army and National Guard, and after evacuating from the surge in Iraq in 2007 with a neck wound.

On Monday, Bentivolio had just returned from a three-day fact-finding trip to Central America to see the source of the immigration crisis for himself.

The congressman told WND that conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are certainly not great and there is much hardship, but they are not war zones.

As for the recent avalanche of immigrants?

“I really wouldn’t call them refugees,” said Bentivolio, while also expressing great sympathy for their plight.

He noted, “Our kids are facing similar problems. We have to put our own house in order first.”


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