Ann Coulter: Happy 30th Birthday, Central American Humanitarian Crisis

The precise reason our borders are besieged is that the 11 million to 20 million “undocumented migrants” currently living here seem just a few more bad Marco Rubio speeches away from being legalized. And the reason they entered the country undocumentedly is that Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens in 1986.

It’s been fun to watch the media discuss the border crisis in real time, improvising their arguments on the fly. Let’s try A, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll try B.

First, they said there was no surge at the border—it was a phony crisis manufactured by the Drudge Report. The facts on the ground quickly made that argument inoperable.

Next, liberals told us these “undocumented migrants” (the PC phrase for “illegal aliens“—because we’ll never figure out what that means) were mere children fleeing violence and drug cartels.

Then we found out that more than 80 percent of the “children” were teenage males, some being recruited for the homicidal Central American gang MS-13, right there in the detention facilities.

(Suspiciously, liberals’ wailing about a “humanitarian” crisis began immediately after Sen. Chuck Schumer emerged from a meeting with Democratic number-crunchers figuring out exactly how many more Latin American voters they’ll need to take Texas and Florida.)

Why would there be a humanitarian crisis now? Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador—where most of the migrants are coming from—have been hellholes forever, even longer than Detroit.


Complete text linked here.

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