California Assemblyman: Obama Admin ‘Completing the Work’ of Smugglers

As a never-ending flow of illegal immigrants continue to enter South Texas, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has been transporting many of the foreigners to states around the country including California. California Assemblyman Tim Donnelly told Breitbart Texas that by releasing illegal immigrants onto U.S. soil, law enforcement is “completing the work” of human traffickers.

After illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, the foreigners enjoy a slew of taxpayer subsidized benefits including food, housing, education, vocational training, recreation, and even legal counsel. Subsequent to spending a relatively short amount of time in the custody of federal agents, most of the illegal immigrants are then released. They promise authorities they will show up in court at a later date for an immigration hearing.

By releasing illegal immigrants, “U.S. law enforcement agencies are completing the work of traffickers and smugglers,” Donnelly asserted. “We have become enablers, and are complicit in the trafficking.”

Donnelly said that many of the minors entering the U.S. illegally are “being brought in with a phone number belonging to someone they claim is a cousin or another family member.” Agents, however, are apparently “not allowed” to verify that the contact is in the country illegally, or whether or not they are even a family member of the migrant.


Complete text linked here.

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